All material published here came to us unrequested: it arose out of our clients' gratitude and appreciation for our products and /or the services they received. We have been granted permission to publish the various stories presented here: to honor your privacy, we do not publish last names. Feel free to keep sending comments, and let us know if you would like us to publish them here.
Thank you for all your expressions of gratitude! Your words say it best!
Praise for...
Healing Salve
(click photo to buy now)
"Your healing salve saved me from ever deepening cracks in my hands. No other salve could touch it. Thanks for putting your soul into these products and making things that really work!"
-John G., Texas
“Used the healing salve... turned out that it drastically improved my eczema. I would like to order more.”
“Your healing salve finally relieved my torn-up, dried-out, peeling, painful cuticles after only a few applications. Eden, this had been an agitating pain and life-long embarrassment for me. And now they are healed and beautiful. Thank you over and over!”
Breast Silk Salve
(click photo to buy now)
"I first bought your Breast Silk Salve in Stinson Beach... thank God I could reach you by phone to order more! I seem to get in serious trouble when I do not use it. My breasts have dense areas and some scar tissue. Some ingredients in your salve seem to increase circulation hugely and it saved my life a while back!"
-D.R., Clear lake, CA
“I bought your wonderful Breast Silk in SF, shared it with many friends who would like to use it regularly. Where do we obtain it?
“I’ve been massaging my breasts with your Breast Silk Salve for some time now. I find that the soreness I used to experience with PMS is gone. I really enjoy your products and the results. Thank you. ”
Yoni Flower Salve
(click photo to buy now)
"Thank you for your sensual slippery Yoni Flower Salve. It makes for a very happy , intimate and yummy experience, alone or not. We travel 2 hours for it. Thanks again!"
-Brooke D., San Francisco, CA
“Yoni Flower Salve...the gift that keeps on giving! ”
Dear Eden,
Thank you hugely for creating "Yoni Flower" lubricant. But this is so much more than a "lubricant," it is transforming and wonderful. As a "woman of a certain age," I was surprised and saddened when hormone changes brought dryness, loss of fullness and made love sharing, as you so beautifully describe it, shockingly uncomfortable. I grieved. I truly grieved. I've always loved being a woman, a deeply sensuous woman, and it felt as if part of me had died. You gently suggested Yoni Flower and I skeptically tried it. Wow! Almost immediately I began to feel a change. Within a week or so I was moister, plumper, happier. The changes accumulate and remain so long as I continue to use it a few times a week. Incredibly, I don't need a lubricant right before sharing love, as long as I have used Yoni Flower some time that day. This is a gift of self for me -- helping my body and mind resonate together as they so want to. And sharing love is a pleasure again. Thank you. Thank you. Many Blessings.
- Anne D
“This is the 3rd refill for my friend in Alaska who has almost completely recovered from breast cancer using all natural treatments. She has told me several times that the Breast Slik was one of her most important therapies and she credits it as one of the main reasons her tumors have disappeared.”
“Thanks for saving my marriage by inventing your Yoni Flower Salve. I am a bicyclist and your herbs are incredibly healing! Thanks for putting so much love in the salve!”
“Please send 12 more 2 oz jars of your extraordinary Precious Yoni Flower Salve. We love your product and have found many uses for it. Primarily we think it is the best genital lubricant we have ever encountered. It is the perfect consistancy to stay where we put it, its all natural ingredients are healthy for the sensitive genital tissues and its solvability means that its presence diminishes as the body’s natural lubrication increases.”
St. John's Wort Salve
(click photo to buy now)
"This salve is the only thing that helps my boyfriend's sore back. Thank you for making such a nurturing, non-toxic product! My boyfriend thanks you! We are ready for another 2 oz jar! "
-Laurie M., San Leandro, CA
“A must for any first-aid kit.”
“I have to say your St. John’s wort salve with Arnica is wonderful. I ran into the table corner and smacked my leg pretty hard. I applied the salve. My swelling went down from egg size to very little.”
“Dear Eden. Your St. John’s Wort salve is helping my legs and feet. I had compressed nerves from herniated disks after surgery, causing numbness. The surgeon said it’d take a year for my nerves to regenerate. The feeling is back in my legs already! Bless you!”
Luscious Moisturizing Cream
(click photo to buy now)
"Dear folks, a friend brought me a jar of your Luscious Moisturizer from her vacation in California. I am crazy about it!. Kindly let me know how I can obtain more..."
- Ms. Wendi K., New York, NY.
“Dear Ms. Herbalist, Thank you so much for that wonderful Luscious cream.It really helps my problem skin. Do you have any other products?”
“I love your Luscious cream. I use it on my face, I use it in my hair, I use it everywhere!”
“I use your Luscious cream and I love it! My dry skin in New York City needs it. Can I order more? Do you make bigger sizes?”
Supra Luscious Cream
(click photo to buy now)
"The Supra Luscious cream is one of a kind! We have all fallen in love with it. My mother does facials and she loves it! Thank you."
-Julianne L.
Luscious Light Cream
(click photo to buy now)
"I had so much sun damage; I just feel the Luscious Light is healing my skin!"
-Ann, Antioch, CA
“Thank you for the wonderful face/neck creams you create. I am glad to encounter their nourishment in our poor struggling ecosystem.”
Wild Yam Cream
(click photo to buy now)
"I use the Wise Woman Wild Yam Cream for hot flashes. Within one week of nightly use the hot flashes abated. I also found the cream to be a wonderful balm for my face. People told me I looked radiant! I highly recommend the cream and all of Eden's products."
-Chris S, SF
“This cream is the best! My hot flashes were happening so strongly several times per day. They are now minimal.
“I have found the Wise Woman Wild Yam Cream very helpful for vaginal dryness and atrophy. Thanks for making a product with love and integrity.
“Your Wise Woman Wild Yam Cream has been an absolute lifesaver! As in love-life saver. Used regularly I feel I have the sexual desire of my younger years. From the depth of my heart and my husband’s too!
“Wise Woman Wild Yam Cream ... IT REALLY WORKS!... Hot flashes, really became so annoying and uncontrollable...embarrassing.... I’d become so irritable! I use a small amount of the Cream as recommended daily...has changed all my mood ups and downs, feel calmer and actually pleasant! The Cream is so nice smelling; I love the presentation in glass, that really matters to me. Also I can travel with the different sizes offered. IT’S BEEN GREAT!”